Survey your audience with the tool 5,697 businesses trust.

Get fast $.095 survey responses from our 650,000,000 respondents.

Get fast survey responses from our 650,000,000 respondents.


“2 hours and 200 people from my target audience with great responses.”

I needed to do market research for a logo creation project for a company I was assisting with branding and they let me know that they wanted to survey people aged 25-40 and they wanted results for that survey by the end of the work day...YIKES! I checked several options including survey monkey and nothing would deliver the results I needed, the analytics in an easy to export format, and the amount of responses in the time I needed it. Until I found Pollfish - 2 hours and 200 people from my target audience with great responses!

- Verified Response, Kyle A. Research Director, Marketing Agency, 11-50 employees

Easy Platform

$0.95 responses
Live data in minutes
50 question survey

650,000,000 users
160+ countries
9 quality controls

Data visualization

10 Survey Types

Build from scratch
Concept testing
Brand awareness
Ad effectiveness
Customer satisfaction
Web/app feedback
Location entry/exit
In-home use tests
Brand trackers
Receipt surveys

Behavior Targeting

Any behaviors
Product interests
Spending habits

Competitor users
Category interests
Lifecycle stage
Customer loyalty
Spending habits

Demographic Targeting

Gender | Age
Locations | Census
Marital Status | Kids
Education | Career

Ethnicity | Income
Device | Ad id

14 Question Types

Single selection
Multiple selection
Open-end | Numeric
Description | Slider
Rating | Ranking
Matrix table | NPS
Constant sum
A/B test | Drill down
Conjoint | Maxdiff
Van westendorp

Create your survey.

24/7 Support

Instant chat
Survey specialists
Full service options
Team training
Ad hoc consulting
Unlimited seats
Dedicated manager
Single sign-on (SSO)

Start now.